Sober Bars as new Drinking options
In the last years, the “healthy trend” has been increasing among adults and young people. Above all, after these difficult years of the COVID19 pandemic, HEALTH is being valued much more highly. All this is transforming how we have fun and socialize, and the beverage and restaurant industry cannot be left behind.
Hence the recent emergence of new “sober bars” with non-alcoholic drinks or “mocktails” made with ingredients such as fruits, spices, or seeds. These soft drinks have become a trend, especially among foddies and Millenials, which leads us to believe that this is a stable and successful trend, instead of something temporary. More and more teetotalers and sporadic alcohol consumers are seeking to avoid the diseases directly related to alcohol consumption, such as cirrhosis, nervous system illnesses, several cancers, and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. By promoting a healthy, alcohol-free lifestyle, which also includes physical exercise and contact with nature and the environment.

Are Soft Drinks really Healthy?
However, these soft alcohol-free drinks in some sober bar the fact that they replace alcohol with sugar or other sweeteners. This does not make them “healthy drinks” after all, as sugar is considered as addictive as a drug and harmful in high quantities. High consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dental problems, and cancer. There are even several studies that link sugar consumption with memory loss, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Nevertheless, their results are not very popular or accepted by the big brands and food and beverage industries.
Therefore, we hope that the search for soft drink options will encourage healthier products for the population. Thus, the industries will stand out by bringing to the market non-alcoholic beverages that do not resort to sugar abuse to claim consumer loyalty.